Physical Address: 136 Harold Lane Belton, SC 29627
Mailing Address: PO Box 397 Belton, SC 29637
Phone: (864) 338-5544
Directions From I 85 South:
Take exit 32 from I 85 South.
Turn left onto SC Hwy 8,right cross over the interstate.
Take the first road to the right, which is Midway rd.
Travel Midway Rd to the four way stop, approximately 1 mile
Turn left onto Cherokee Rd at four way stop.
Travel Cherokee Rd until the southbound US 29 on ramp is reached
Take US 29 south on ramp.
Travel 29 south approximately 8 miles to Griffin Rd.
Turn left onto Griffin Rd
Travel Griffin Rd to the end
Turn Left onto Blue Ridge Ave
The drive to Blue Ridge is the second drive on the right
Directions From I 85 North:
Take exit 32 from I 85 North
Turn right onto SC Hwy 8 from the off ramp
Take the first road to the right, which is Midway Rd
Travel Midway Rd to the four way stop, approximately 1 mile
Turn left onto Cherokee Rd at four way stop.
Travel Cherokee Rd until the southbound US 29 on ramp is reached
Take US 29 south on ramp.
Travel 29 south approximately 8 miles to Griffin Rd.
Turn left onto Griffin Rd
Travel Griffin Rd to the end
Turn Left onto Blue Ridge Ave
The drive to Blue Ridge is the second drive on the right